
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

wHy i ChOoSe nUrsing as My Course?!?

i cHoOse nUrSing as My cOurse bEcAusE it Is iN deMand aNd i cAn aSuRe mY sElf tHat i WiLL hAvE a Job in This pRoFession. In tHis cAse I caN hElp oTheR wHo aRe in nEed. nUrsIng As a CoursE Is nOt eaSy wE neEd to be More FlexIble aNd mOre Patience For uS tO SurvIve In tHis kInd Of ProFessIon. we NeeD to dEdiCate our wHole HearT For Us tO giVe Care To oTher.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

its me...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009